The American Starbucks coffee service chain is beginning to feel that left-wing action is at least taken into account in the US as well. As a reaction to the discontinuation of visas imposed by US president Donald Trump for people from seven Muslim countries, Starbucks chief Howard acted in left-wing defiant manner and made a provocation with the announcement that 10,000 so-called “refugees” would be employed. Schulz was one of Hillary Clinton’s campaign supporters and still perhaps hasn’t completely digested the loss. The Americans, however, have as it appears little understanding for unpatriotic behavior; Schultz is also a strict opponent of the wall to Mexico, though and is paying for this betrayal of country and its citizens with loss of favor. The approval of the business has been falling since the campaign announcement against Trump’s refugee policy.
Before the announcement of this decision, around 30 percent of the Americans stated that they would buy at Starbucks. This approval has been falling since Schultz announced the employment of 10,000 refugees.
On the social networks as well, many are basing their turning away from the coffee giant in the following way: For example, one Facebook user wrote on the Starbucks page, “When I heard that Starbucks wanted to employ 10,000 refugees instead of Americans, I decided not to spend any more money at Starbucks. Also the usual graphics-fiddling that spoke clear language appeared immediately on the Internet:
Many also admonished that the company should do better to employ US military veterans who often end up sliding into bitter poverty. Starbucks actually does have a program to support this group, but on the basis of the consumers’ reactions it must be noted that this subject is highly emotional and the waves immediately ride high if something has even the breath of preferential treatment for the invaders.
Even in the land of “unlimited possibilities,” which actually is an immigrant country in contrast to Germany, there are apparently limits if it becomes known that the people are being discriminated against in favor of people who have nothing to offer but also for this reason will certainly produce lots of trouble. (lsg)
Original on PI-German translated by Anders Denken