Most honored Mayor Binder, most honored ladies and gentlemen of the Uttenweiler city council,
In concern for our country, its security, its internal societal peace and the immense abuse of immigrants for geopolitical machinations of a money and power elite working in the background, I am turning to you.
Let yourself be led in what you do and decide by the well being of the people, especially the citizens of this land, and not by superficial idealism, which means knee-jerk “helping” or having to carry out orders from above without realistically considering the long-term goals of this action.
Therefore, I leave the following word with you in view of the decisions regarding this in Uttenweiler as well:
Uttenweiler, 1/16/2016
A word to my Uttenweiler community: Yes to asylum – no to continuing breach of law
For decent people, and thus ever for true Christian people, it is a natural thing within their possibilities to help other people!
Therefore, we are rightly making an effort here in Germany to cordially accept and hospitably accommodate those genuinely needing asylum until the conditions in their homelands allow a return.
What is happening now in Germany, though, has nothing to do with asylum and love of neighbor! In truth, millions of victims are being produced through this insanity in the most brutal way here and abroad. In the Sahara alone, according to German Minister of Development Gerd Müller, one million people died in their attempt to come to Europe. In a lunatic and also completely illegal fashion, millions of people are being sent on an adventurous and life-threatening path instead of being helped in their own homeland. This help would cost only a tiny portion of the countless billions that Germany alone pays out annually for this immigration craziness. Anyone that truly wants to exercise neighborly love doesn’t lure young men away from women and children and parents and grandparents with false promises and unfulfillable expectations. They don’t lure them to a foreign country, away from the homeland where they will be needed for the protection of the families and rebuilding of the country. Anyone that truly wants to exercise neighborly love will help them in or near to their homeland. If enough volunteers participate, then we can carry on the work of one man who for 24 years has been bringing aid packages to the refugee camps of the Middle East. If politicians are not willing to help the people in their own homeland, then we can do it. That would be an act of true neighborly love.
We should not be participating along in a misanthropic mass immigration in any respect that robs the countries of origin of their young men and throws Germany into chaos, as we clearly saw on Silvester Night in many cities in Germany. And that was just the beginning. That was just the test run.
Now we are being told by politicians at almost every level: We have to. We can’t do otherwise. We have to accept quotas.
That’s not true. It’s that very thing that we must not do. Strictly speaking, we shouldn’t do that at all. Almost all so-called “refugees” have come to Germany illegally or are being trafficked into Germany under collaboration by various state governments, for example like the Bavarian. For the sake of the law, they should have sent them back to the border or immediately brought them to the secure third country of their entry into Europe (§18 Code of Asylum Procedures). The German government having suspended the Dublin regulations according to the views of several top-level national and constitutional lawyers does not make right that which is wrong. An illegal border crossing is still illegal, even if the German government or the chancellor declares it to be allowed contrary to law. Whoever has illegally entered Germany, their residency in Germany is also thereby illegal (§ 14 Code of Residency). This continuing breach of law and even the Constitution was most recently determined by several national and constitutional lawyers.
This illegal policy endangers the internal security and the future of our people in a most serious way. It is here that all citizens and more than ever all political carriers of responsibility, especially the officers, are summoned to resistance. They do not have to participate in illegal acts. Quite the contrary: They are not allowed to participate in illegal acts! From the experiences of the 3rd Reich, the Federal Code for Officials has legally anchored in it the personal liability of every single officer for his actions. This § 63 Section (1) of the Federal Code for Officials says: “Female and male officers carry full personal responsibility for the legality of their official actions.”
Mayors, in my knowledge, are also officers for a time. They also stand under full personal responsibility for their actions. They cannot hide behind illegal ordinances. They carry responsibility of warding off harm from our people. This in § 60 of the Federal Code for Officials, section (1) it says: “Male and female officers serve all the people, not a party. They are to fulfill their duties in a non-partisan and proper way and to take consideration of the well being of the community through their complete administration. Male and female officers must avow through their total action for the sake of the basic free democratic order and stand for its preservation.” The cannot with complete personal responsibility participate in the continuing legal and constitutional breaches by our chancellor and her government. The above-mentioned legal tenets regarding officials apply also for the state and local officers according to the Baden-Württemberg State Code for Officials, therefore, for mayors as well. The financing of illegal measures with taxpayer monies is also punishable as economic breach of trust.
Therefore, I ask you, Mayor Binder, and all council members of Uttenweiler to make it clear to the county or the regional council or any other position connected to them that you do not agree with and will not accept the sheltering of illegal migrants in Uttenweiler, but that you will resist this with all means available to you.
It is long overdue that all who are responsible and our whole nation stand against this insanity. Or do we want conditions like during the night of Silvester to become regular occurrences in all of Germany in the near future? Cologne showed: through the mass immigration our rule of law is fundamentally at the end. Our government can no longer guarantee the safety of its citizens, especially our women and girls. More and more police are openly saying this in their circle of acquaintances: by weapons for yourselves. We can no longer protect you.
I urgently ask you: don’t make yourself complicit in this insanity. Anyone that causes, promotes, exults over, aids in its advance or perhaps is silent about an incident, makes themselves complicit in the consequences of this incident. Anyone who here in Uttenweiler as well does not oppose this incident of illegal mass immigration bears his complete personal share in any act of violence, any sexual molestation, any rape that happens as a result of this incident, wherever it may occur in Germany.
I have applied the legal explanations from publications and votes by lawyers. As a non-jurist, I cannot accept any responsibility personally for the unimpeachability of these explanations. Should doubt exist as to the correctness of these explanations, I request that an independent legal examination of the circumstances be made. Without a doubt, the basis for all individual legal questions should be: the present mass immigration is illegal and is causing immense damage for our people. And those who participate in it in whatever form make themselves complicit in it.
Since I, due to prior commitments, cannot not be present at the citizen’s meeting regarding the issue of continuing sheltering of immigrants on the coming Wednesday, 1/20/2016, I am bringing attention to this vote in this manner.
I bring you cordial greetings. May the Living God bless and keep you.
Pastor Jakob Tscharntke
Translated by Anders Denken