What kind of things do the alleged “unaccompanied minor-aged refugees (UMAR) really do to schools? They can’t speak German and also are like most other enrichments unwilling to integrate. But since there is mandatory attendance in schools in Germany and Austria as well, these alleged “boys” are stuck in classes with our children and they behave there just like the mob at the main train station in Cologne on Silvester Night. The Western “sluts” are fair game, and if they don’t obey, the coming Master Race generation gets quite violent. Such is what happened at the Parsch Middle School in the Austrian city Salzburg. There 14- and 15-year-old schoolgirls were groped and threatened by four Afghanis and Syrians, and were subject to physical and verbal abuse for months.
By L.S. Gabriel)
Back in November last year, three girls in the school were sexually molested, insulted, bumped into, beaten up and threatened by UMARs. They were also constantly confronted with vulgar sayings by the invaders. Last Wednesday, the situation escalated because an Afghani jostled one of the tormented girls in such away that she slid full weight into a locker. Weeks before, one of the attackers (allegedly 15) hit a 14-year-old so hard in the back of the head that she banged or forehead against a tabletop. One of the girls was constantly subject to distress because of her bust size, said spokesperson for the police Eva Wenzl.
After the incident on Wednesday, the police were finally notified and the girls reported about their month’s-long martyrdom. The police are now finally investigating with the help of interpreters. Because the German skills of the violent criminals is apparently good enough after several months to insult and among other things to verbally assault them sexually.
First off and until further notice, the UMARs will be suspended and expelled from the school. According to police, corresponding charges will lodged by the district attorney after finishing the investigations.
Why the school administration didn’t intervene for weeks is still to be cleared up. As a start, the girls are relieved. Even if the affair is of course played down by the state school board. There it is namely said that everything surely wasn’t so bad, it was just a matter of “a few pushes” and a “few obscene expressions.” The fact that one of the girls was constantly harshly and insistently grabbed will along with the hitting be deliberately allowed to fall under the table. Apparently it is more important to nurture and cultivate the culture of welcome than to keep in view the well-being and safety of our children.
School Administrator Dir. Eva Szalony,
E-mail: direktion@nms-schlossstrasse.salzburg.at
State school board for Salzburg
E-Mail: lsr-sbg@lsr-sbg.gv.atp>
(Note to our readers: We ask that you use a courteous and factually fair means of expression despite all controversy over the issue when writing to the contact address.)
Original on PI-German translated by Anders Denken